Compass Realty Group’s Spotlight on Tim Jurisch
When you hire a Compass Realty Group real estate agent, you get exceptional customer service. Part of that is allowing our clients to get to know our realtors better through our monthly agent spotlights. This month, our featured agent is one of our team members from our Clear Lake branch, Tim Jurisch.
Helping People No Matter the Job Title
Tim has been with Compass Realty for a few months and he already has his first closing on the books. Before he became a real estate agent, Tim repaired and sold boats and motors for years. He enjoys helping people find what they need, whether it’s a way to have fun on the water or a place for a family to call home.
Over the past few years, Tim took an interest in paying attention to property that was listed in the Clear Lake area. After a while, he thought, “Why not help people with real estate?”
Once he achieved his real estate license, he chose to work at Compass Realty Group because of the integrity of the team. He was also drawn to their willingness to help those in the community.
Challenges and Victories
Any job, no matter what industry it’s in, has its challenges. The hardest part of his job as a real estate agent is the changing market. The only constant in the business is change! Tim said, “At Compass, we pay close attention to the ever-changing market prices and interest rates, so that we don’t set unrealistic expectations for our clients.”
Because of the unpredictability of the real estate world, those who are buying or selling properties need an agent who knows what they’re doing. This is part of Tim’s favorite aspect of being an agent. “The best part of my job is helping people navigate the real estate world,” he explained. “There’s a lot to know and I get the privilege of advising clients so they can make the best decisions for their families.”
Finding His Way With Compass
Tim started his real estate career with Compass Realty Group because of what they stand for. “I personally share a lot of the same values that the company advocates,” he said.
One of his favorite perks of his job at Compass is the people who work there with him. He appreciates how the other agents are more than willing to help not only one another, but all clients no matter who their agent is. He likes that Compass is a local company that cares about and serves the community.
Knowing that every client or potential client’s needs are different, Tim listens to what those needs are. Through listening, he can guide families to the home they need and will love.
A Great Fit for the Team
Compass owner, Alison Blanchard, said, “Tim is a fantastic person. He’s genuine, hardworking, and Compass is lucky to have him because these traits also make him a great agent.”
Alison explained Tim is skilled at so many things, and yet continues to want to learn. She finds his integrity quite admirable. “He is always pushing to raise the bar in the service he provides to his clients. One of my favorite qualities about Tim is that he is adamant about making sure his clients’ best interests are being taken into consideration in everything he does.”
“It’s been great to add him to our amazing team. We are only as good and as strong as the people we work with,” she added.
Ready to Serve
Tim is raising four children with his wife in Clear Lake, where they’ve lived for 16 years. In their spare time, they like to adventure on road trips to discover new places. Of course, being a man who enjoys boat work, you will find Tim out on the water working on outboard motors during the warmer Western Wisconsin months.
Tim loves to serve people and it truly is an honor to help them realize their home-owning dreams. If you would like to make your dreams a reality or start a new chapter, Tim would be delighted to serve you. Please call him at 715-222-1044 or email him at to get in touch. He is ready to help you!